We Celebrate: a good strategy
Breaking the cycles of generational poverty is no small task
Vision: Much Ministries exists to move individuals, families and communities from a poverty mindset to a place of thriving.
Mission: business is the venue for the journey that individuals take to redefine who they are, from poverty to thriving.
Why: The Problem: Haiti’s poorest 50% are stuck in cycles of poverty, living on less than $2.00 a day from random sources. Poverty is a physical expression of a survival belief system. That system was needful to endure the injustice of generations of slavery. Now these beliefs are barriers to human flourishing, validating the repetition of destructive behaviors, that continue the cycle.
Solutions: We have discovered that those involved in cycles of poverty are best helped when presented with opportunities that require an involved response. The principles intrinsic to healthy business create the environment needed for the poor to make the journey to a different future.
Removing Barriers: Training, and Education, are how we empower learners to recognize and reject belief systems that reinforce behaviors propagating cycles of poverty.
Much Ministries has with a triple bottom line: Our measure of success is not simply sustainable business. Successful business provides energy for further change, and because business is the “classroom for accountability” our measurable success includes healthy business that create jobs.
Much Ministries defines “healthy business” as a business that provides opportunities for owners and employees. Health includes “law abiding” and monetarily growing. The chart above describes what has taken place and what we conservatively anticipate.
The growth in 2018-2020, as these business are incubated and birthed, will create a market for well trained employees. Our success will be measure by statistical monitoring of these business. We also are keeping dossiers on all trainees that pass through the TED portion of Much Ministries.
Culturally, we target families as our medium to impact culture. Families with a job in the household are ready to accept new ways of thinking. This thinking is evidenced in community. Cultural change is less measurable but evidenced in:
Reduction of crisis events in homes
Children enrolled in school
Fewer sick days taken in business
Less strife and competition in the workplace
Spiritually, our target is that Church Culture in Haiti will no longer quietly exist next to Poverty Culture. It is troubling that Haiti can be both, the most “missionaried” and the most poverty stricken nation in our hemisphere. The culture of the Kingdom of God confronts poverty thinking. While we have chosen to not use religious language in our training, it is nonetheless deeply rooted in the Kingdom of God. The cultures promoted in 2nd Story Goods and Market Place Gonaives confront fatalism, victim entitlement, and abdication of personal responsibility. In these cultures of accountability and freedom we see amazing hope and determination demonstrated daily.
I would like an ifo graphic that has Much 501c3 as an umbrella with 2SG and mpg and TED under it.. In this section,,, our org chart kinda,,