
Much Ministries is celebrating

all that we have had the privilege of participating in.

Kathy and I are so grateful to God for allowing us to follow our dreams, using the years of life that He has walked us through, to impact this place for His Kingdom. 


Our vision: connecting “Makers to Markets”.  The Story is the Makers, they all have names, families, difficulties to overcome. In the past they have been defined by those difficulties. But, after four years now the description has changed. They all have names, families, DREAMS, HOPES and PLANS.

 It cannot be over stated, what we see as an outdoor toilet or a hand motivated water pump in the corner of a muddy yard is actually a DREAM COME TRUE!  In a community where dreaming and hoping were off limits, beyond reach, 2nd Story Goods shouts the invitation to come and dream.  “What do you have and What can you do with it?” is today’s question.

 100+ artisans $75,000 dollars in sales = steady income for a community.  God is praised; Families eat, Neighbors help neighbors, Children go to school.  As 2nd SG continues to grow, the artisans we work with become more confident that the future holds good things. They are taking personal responsibility for their lives and owning successes and failures alike. This growth and anticipation among our artisans impacts the whole community.  There is MUCH to celebrate!

Market Place Gonaives has moved down the birth canal and is about to come out kicking and screaming.  It is alive and kicking now.  It already has its DNA and is shaping the future of Gonaives from inside its womb.  At this writing we have raised $410,000.  We are on track to Purchase and begin renovations this month! 

Marketplace Gonaives is envisioned as an epicenter of restoration and renaissance that ripples first throughout the city and ultimately throughout the country.  The marketplace model is inspired by our experience with Sunny Brooks Marketplace in Waynesville, GA and informed by the lessons learned both there and during our 12 years serving in Haiti.

Ritaud Mentor, 3rd year law student at EDSEG, Haiti’s premier law school, says Market Place Gonaives will be the WOW that Gonaives needs.  “People need a reason to stay in Gonaives, MPG will show people that, WOW, things are changing.”  Not only will jobs be created but, Job Makers will be encouraged and empowered to create more jobs.  Ritaud along with 7 others meet weekly to strategize for the cultural impact that Market Place Gonaives will have.

 Market Place Gonaives is illustrated in Jesus’ parable (Mark 4)The Kingdom of God is like…. a mustard seed, although small it grows to a tree that birds will nest in.  MPG is that kind of seed, an incubator, a place for small beginnings to be nurtured take root and serve others.  Gonaives needs this tree and saplings from it to spread across the nation!

November of 2014 we began our capital fund raising campaign for the Market Place. Our need is $970, 000 at this writing we have committed or given; $412,000.  For a more complete understanding of MPG visit us in Haiti or visit the MPG page

Jubilee oh Jubilee, We came to bring Jesus to you, to find out, He was already here waiting on us. What a joy to serve brothers and sisters, children of God that have some practical disadvantage, but such big faith. Jesus said in Luke 4:18 he came to “set free the down trodden” The privilege of our MUCH community is to bring a school, clinic, housing, jobs, community health education and friendship to this place. MUCH collaborates with others, here and in the States, to bless this impoverished neighborhood.  Thank the Lord, things change and continue to change.  We are learning to help without hurting. We are walking hand in hand with those who were “down trodden” to discover “blessed are the poor”.

Old friends and new alike live with us from 3-10 days. The invitation we give is to see the beauty in Jubilee and Gonaives, Haiti.  As friends come, we endeavor to help open their eyes to what God is already about here.  Enlightening times of discussion, videos by Poverty Cure, and chapters from When Helping Hurts all help to reshape the way we think about poverty.  We try and provide cultural emersion activities like washing cloths by hand in the gazebo in Jubilee with Marta of Moudline.  A trip to the market to buy dinners ingredients with Mommy Evans is an eye opening experience.  Deeper interaction is possible because of our wonder staff of interpreters, who not only interpret conversation but culture as well.  Our teams also contribute through hands on project at the school, community classes and work projects.

Thank you to all that come and to those that help them get here. Our prayer is that the change begun here will continue and impact your jubilee.

Some would say “money makes the world go round”  but more accurately said, Money is the tool to make dreams come true.    When you make your money become our  (MUCH) money  our dreams (hopefully shared dreams) come into reality.  Thank you seems a tremendous understatement.  What happens here is the evidence of your tools (monetary gifts) at work.  Your giving is the evidence of our interdependence.  Thank you for having jobs, creating businesses in your communities that allow you to respond to our calls for support.  Take a minute or two and pray for us.  If God prompts your heart to join our support network then do it.!  Above all, support us with your prayers.  Listen and pray,listen and pray!  Thanks so MUCH.  To join our team contact Cheryl Nelson at …..

Kathy and I have the joy of being Mama K (MK) and Papa Beaver. It's not just because we are OLD! Our community evolves; some members have moved on to other ministries in Haiti as well as the US.  We grieve the loss but celebrate the growth.  Some of our community lives in Jubilee and others closer to the town square.  All of us have daily opportunity to live among those we serve.  This reflects our desire to be incarnational with our lives.  We do not want to be insulated from those we serve. 

 The Smith family- Brian, Cody and Kara. Their other children, that were living here, Emma and Brad returned to the states last year.  Brian oversees our construction needs and Cody now directs Klinic Jubilee.

 Keziah Furth- Kez oversees our community health program.  She gives instruction and trains instructors 3 days a week in the school lunch room.  Kez also helps all of us to speak better Creole. Sadly Keziah has moved to Boston, Keep her in your prayers as she makes this difficult transition

 April Komasinski, Tia Stokes, Kate Benner, Laura Lynn Nicholes (mom to Youvendjy) all serve in the Jubilee School. Jubilee Kids Inc has taken over the responsibility of distributing the funds that come in for these ladies and the school.  Thank you Jubilee Kids, 

 Kelsy Rietch-Kelsy worked with Pastor Geneda’s orphange and became a part of our community, moving back to Houston in March 2015.

 Victoria Mead-  (next to Brian) Victoria works with Kathy in 2nd Story Goods.  She provides that vital role of creation and sounding board as they work together to create “marketable art”.

 Rachel Greene-(next to Cody, Brians wife) Rachel teaches English at two different schools in Gonainves and is developing an intern program for our MUCH community.

 Brooks Family-  Kathy, Beaver and Rebecca (not shown is Kervens our Haitian son), Kathy and Cody home school Rebecca and Kara. Kevs is a fulltime student at  a local highschool.  Kathy directs 2nd Story Goods mentioned above as well as with me gives leadership to MUCH.  My primary focus last year and moving forward is Market Place Gonaives.